Definition of Nuclear membrane

1. Noun. A double lipid bilayer that surrounds the genetic material in eukaryotic cells ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Nuclear membrane

1. An intracellular structure, consisting of two concentric membranes, enclosing the nucleoplasm and separating it from the cytoplasm. The areas where these two membranes fuse are called nuclear pore complexes. (12 Dec 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Nuclear Membrane

nuclear hydrogen detection meter
nuclear inclusion bodies
nuclear jaundice
nuclear lamina
nuclear layers of retina
nuclear localization signal
nuclear magnetic pulse
nuclear magnetic resonance
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
nuclear magnetic resonance tomography
nuclear magneton
nuclear matrix
nuclear medicine
nuclear medicine physician
nuclear meltdown
nuclear membrane
nuclear membranes
nuclear ophthalmoplegia
nuclear pacemaker
nuclear physician
nuclear physicist
nuclear physics
nuclear pore
nuclear pore complex
nuclear power
nuclear power plant
nuclear power station
nuclear power stations
nuclear propulsion
nuclear proteins

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